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Sarah is a fully qualified English teacher and has been working in Guiyang since 2016. She believes with hard work, dedication and attending class high results will be achieved.

Name: Sarah Hickey

Age: 23

Nationality: Irish

Lily and Len Dressler
Owners and Directors

LD training school was founded by Len and Lily Dressler. Len was a Canadian teacher travelling until he met Lily ( a Guiyang Native). After getting marred, they utilised Lily's  great communication skills and Lens famous teaching ability  to the best use by opening their very own school. The school first opened it's doors in 2005. The school has grown from strength to strength over the years incorporating Len's values of manners and hard work with Lily's belief that learning should be fun. They believe that all the students in the world have their own strength to become successful. In our school, we will learn from the Canadian education system which is dedicated to provide students with the most suitable, caring and loving environment, so that they can learn happily and hard. 


LD英语培训学校的创始人是Len和Lily。 Len是一名游历国际,教学经验丰富的加拿大籍英文教师,当他同Lily相遇并结为连理后,两人同心协力,结合Len丰富的教学经验以及Lily宽广的人际关系,他们在2005年创办了这所学校。通过他们严谨的教学方法,认真的教学态度,以及推广的快乐教学法,LD英语培训学校发展越来越壮大。他们坚信,每一个孩子都有自己的长处,只要我们用心了解孩子,努力挖掘他们的潜能,发掘他们的过人之处,激发他们的内在正能量,就没有学不好的孩子。在LD英语培训学校,我们秉承舒适快乐教学的加拿大办学理念,致力于给孩子们提供一个舒适、温馨、趣味的学习氛围,让他们在其中用心快乐的学习。此外,我们不仅帮助学生掌握正确的学习方法,提升学习能力,同时也注重孩子礼仪品格培养,教会孩子学会分享,关心他人,尊敬师长,让孩子们从小养成好习惯,全方位的培养孩子,努力让我们的每一个孩子变得更优秀!

Rachel is a fully qualified English teacher working in Guiyang since 2012. She has taught all levels of English from beginners to advanced students. Rachel is confident that upon attending her classes, better grades and confidence will be achieved.

Name: Kim Ward

Age: 31

Nationality: Irish

Our Family 我们一家人


Together we have created a safe, fun and interesting place for children to learn. We are very proud of our school ( we say our school) because each teacher and member of staff gives there all to making LD the best most revered school in Guiyang. We believe by working as a team we will achieve this withing the next few years.


Name: Patricia

Age: 28

Nationality: Polish

Patricia is an energetic person. Who loves teaching. She has been teaching English for over 6 years.

Name: Rachel Crowe

Age: 30

Nationality: Irish

Kim is our most experienced teacher. She has accumulated over 10,000 hours teaching young children in Ireland. She has also thought 3,000+ hours teaching English as a foreign language. Kims passion is learning and loves to pass on her knowledge in order to make a difference.

Simon is a qualified scientist, earning both his B.Sc. honours and doctoral degrees In Science from NUI, Galway. He also possesses a 140 hour TEFL, TESOL certificate.

Name: Simon Egan

Age: 37

Nationality: Irish

Megan is a fully qualified teacher and has been working in Guiyang since 2015.

She is very passionate about teaching and loves to help others learn.

Name: Megan Steger

Age: 24

Nationality: Irish

Name: Marine 

Age: 28

Nationality: Chinese 

Marine is a qualified English teacher and has been teaching since 2014. Marine has achieved a high level in education, IELTS, TEM-4 and TEM-8 and her biggest achievement to date is being a qualified English teacher.

Name: Tiffany

Age: 26

Nationality: Chinese 

Tiffany is a fully qualified grammar teacher with over 3 years’ experience. Tiffany has achieved a high level in education and CET 6. Her biggest achievement to date is becoming a teacher.

Name: Alby Smith


Nationality: Ghanaian 

Alby is very enthusiastic and calm. She is highly efficient, innovative and loves teaching. She loves to help people and make them happy.

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